What is Interregional Innovation Instrument?
Interregional Innovation Instrument will support interregional partnerships to deliver investments and to reinforce globally competitive EU value chains.
€570 million ERDF resources is secured for this instrument.
Universities/researchers, public administration, civil society and SMEs (quadruple helix partnerships) in mainly less developed regions
For which projects?
For the scaling up of interregional innovation projects
2 main strands: support for the innovation projects and for the development of value chains
Thematic areas include digital transition, green transition including resource efficiency and circular economy, smart manufacturing
Where to apply?
Implemented under direct management and executed by an Executive agency of the European Commission
First call for proposal foreseen for Sept/Oct 2021
- Evaluation of projects until March 2022
- Project implementation: end of 2022
More information: Monika.Zsigri@ec.europa.eu