The Fund will contribute to the achievement of four specific objectives and it also provides financial resources for the activities and future development of the European Migration Network (EMN).

The AMIF supports the Union Resettlement Programme, including with focus on common Union priorities. A similar financial mechanism is foreseen for the transfer of beneficiaries of international protection from an EU State with high migratory pressure to another.


As far as the beneficiaries of the AMIF are concerned, all EU Member States except for Denmark can participate in the implementation of this Fund. Examples of beneficiaries of the programmes implemented under this Fund can be state and federal authorities, local public bodies, non-governmental organisations, humanitarian organisations, private and public law companies and education and research organisations.

The Council also adopted an amendment to the 2014-2020 home affairs funds and to the 2021-2027 AMIF (asylum, migration and integration fund).

  • It will extend by one year the implementation period of the 2014-2020 home affairs funds and unlock access to unspent amounts (estimated to €420 million) in the asylum and migration fund which had previously been earmarked for other purposes.
  • The text also makes it possible to make additional financial contributions under the 2021-2027 fund as external assigned revenue. This external assigned revenue will make it possible to finance asylum and migration activities in member states during crises, including those arising from the invasion of Ukraine.

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