The SUPER- I* project officially kicked off in September 2021. Supported by Horizon 2020 funding, the project will run for 3 years and will focus on developing extended Public-Private Partnership for investment in smart energy efficiency in social housing.
Alongside with three of our member organisations – namely BL, the Housing Fund of Slovenia, and ATER (member of Federcasa) – Housing Europe is partner in this project. We will play a role especially in identifying key stakeholders in 6 countries (the pilot countries Denmark, Italy, Slovenia, Belgium, Spain and the United Kingdom), supporting capacity building and replication at EU level, as well as disseminating the project results.
The objective of SUPER-i is to support the funding of energy efficiency refurbishment of social housing stocks across Europe while increasing the share of renewable energy in the final energy consumption. The project will contribute to generate substantial investments in energy efficiency within the social housing sector in two folds: 1) by establishing a direct dialogue, at local government level, between financial institutions, other private investors and social housing managers while also involving ESCOs, and 2) by collecting relevant data on energy efficiency investments, helping to develop efficient financial schemes.
Housing Europe is happy to join this project, trusting it has the potential to contribute to filling the investment gap for energy-efficient renovation and renewables in our sector. Commenting on the project, Nina Pečar of the Housing Fund of the Republic of Slovenia said: ‘we have always pledged our support for the transition to a lower carbon economy and therefore we are supportive of the broad scope of the project, and consider that it will provide useful additional insights to support investment and innovation in energy efficiency and renewables.’
Cristina Davi highlights the project is very relevant for Ater future activities. ‘Due to the age of our building stock, we have the strong need to proceed with the energy renovation of a lot of social housing complexes. Therefore, we are interested in finding new forms of intervention, both from the operational and the financial point of view. And the project partnership and activities it will certainly be able to increase our expertise in this field.’
Learn more about the project.
* S = S ocial Housing and S mart, U = Upgraded asset values and Upgraded quality of life, P=P ublic P rivate P artnership, E = E xtended E nergy E fficiency, R =Renewables triggered by the project, I = Investment