Issues tackled

The EU Green Deal was created, among other things, to encourage building and renovating in an energy and resource-efficient way. In this context, attractive, resilient, and affordable solutions are needed, and the ARV project is addressing this through its Climate Positive Circular Communities (CPCC). The goal: speed up the deep energy renovations and the deployment of energy and climate measures in the construction and energy industries.

To achieve this, the ARV project will employ a novel concept relying on 6 demonstration urban regeneration projects representing different European climates and contexts with high ambitions in environmental, social and economic sustainability.

One of the 6 demos is managed by the social housing provider Sonderborg Andelsboligforening, a member of the Housing Europe network. 

Responsible colleague: Clara Mafé

The ARV project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101036723.

Sønderborg, where innovative energy efficiency meets affordable housing and social inclusion

On September 19 and 20, 2024, the community centre of SAB’s (Sønderborg Housing Association) became an innovation hub for the Danish social housing sector. The two-day event, co-organised by SAB, ProjectZero and Housing Europe as part of the EU-funded project ARV, aimed to showcase energy- and cost-efficient technical solutions for social housing and engage with tenants.

The Nature of Housing – biodiversity and climate adaptation in public, cooperative, and social housing

While the voting for the new European Parliament was just starting in the Netherlands and the election campaign was often missing the answers to the core concerns of Europeans, Housing Europe focused on what matters.

Financing greater circularity in the renovation & development of public, cooperative and social housing

A recent session during Housing Europe’s Renovation Summit – ‘Financing greater circularity in housing’ – which was run in partnership with the Horizon 2020 HOUSEFUL project on May, 11th, offers a new perspective on circularity, by looking both at the costs associated with being circular, and the possible financing streams which are open to housing providers.

Housing Europe’s project for climate positive circular communities is officially on

Social housing providers from Spain, the Netherlands, and Denmark are getting ready to leave a real ‘legacy’ by joining the EU-funded ARV and starting to work on all fronts to deliver climate-positive circular communities. What would they do?

Housing Europe will partner in a new project for climate positive circular communities, funded by EU’s Green Deal grant

The ARV project has received 20M euros in funding from the EUs Green Deal call to research climate positive circular communities in Europe. The project will provide guidelines and a political framework for future energy-efficient and circular solutions in the construction industry. 35 partners from seven European countries are involved. Establishing six climate-positive areas around Europe is at the project’s core and the Grant Agreement has now been signed with the EU Commission.