Issues tackled

The SUPER-i project focuses on developing extended Public-Private Partnership for investment in smart energy efficiency in social housing. Housing Europe is working alongside Boligselskabernes Landsforening (Denmark) and Azienda Territoriale per L’edilizia Residenziale di Trieste (Italy).

Responsible colleague: Alice Pittini

The project SUPER-i has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101028220.

Exploring energy efficiency and sustainability in residential buildings in Denmark, Italy and Slovenia: Insights from the Super-I project

The Italian capacity building webinar, organised by ATER Trieste and APRE with support from the Professional Association of the Architects of Trieste as part of the Super-I project, delved into the challenges and opportunities in enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability in residential buildings. Topics included energy-saving practices, legal requirements, and the integration of renewable energy sources. Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) were highlighted as effective models for large-scale renovations, emphasising the need for community engagement. Insights from Slovenia underscored hurdles such as legal barriers, lengthy investment payback periods, and fragmented ownership hindering energy renovations in non-profit public housing.

Mixing private and public investment for energy efficiency renovations

Housing Europe’s Super-i project is coming to an end, resulting in developed models to assess the environmental and social impacts of energy-efficient renovations in social housing.

Filling the investment gap for energy efficiency in social housing: New SUPER-i project

The SUPER- I* project officially kicked off in September 2021. Supported by Horizon 2020 funding, the project will run for 3 years and will focus on developing extended Public-Private Partnership for investment in smart energy efficiency in social housing.